25 April 2011

Anatomy of a publication

A continuation of my publishing/writing series for genealogists. This article deals with the components that make up a book, monograph, article, etc.

Body copy: The main text in an article, excluding headlines, etc.

Byline: Credit given to author (by author name). Sometimes refers to author bio at end of article.

Call-out: Label used to identify parts of a photo, illustration, chart, etc. Sometimes with lines, arrows, or balloons tying call-out to a particular element, say identifying a building in a map.

Caption: Description of illustration, photo, chart, or graphical element, plus credit for the source.

Continuation head: Repetition of the headline (and jumpline) to identify continuation of article.

Deck (dek): One or more lines of text after headline and before body of article to expand the headline/topic.

End Sign: Dingbat or other symbol used to mark end of article.

Endnote: Reference citation or note placed at the end of an article, chapter, or book that is referred to in the body of text with superscript numbers.

Folio: A sheet of paper folded in half is a folio. A folio has four pages (two on each side). Several folios, one inside the other, make up a signature. Several signatures together make a book (or magazine), etc. Also known as a page.

Footer: Repeated text at the bottom of every page (or every other page of newsletter).

Footnote: Reference citation or note placed in the footer on the same page in which it is referred to in the body copy with superscript numbers.

Gridline: Non-printing line that helps with placement of text and graphics. Also known as guidelines.

Header: Repeated text at the top of every page (or every other page of newsletter). Also known as running head or standing head.

Headline: Article's name or title.

Jumpline: Continuation line, as in Continued on page 16 and Cont. from page 1.

Kicker: Short phrase set above a headline; as an intro or section heading for regular column.

Masthead: Publisher, staff, contact info, copyright, etc.

Nameplate: The banner on the cover that includes the publication's name; sometimes graphics or a logo, tagline; publication information including Volume and Issue or Date. May also be called masthead.

Page layout: Design or composition of the page. Also known as page composition, page design, desktop publishing.

Pull-quote: A phrase or sentence(s) from the article that is repeated in large type as a graphical element.

Recto: Right-hand page with odd number.

Running head: Repeated text, often the name of the publication, that appears on every page or every other page of newsletter. Also known as standing head or header.

Sidebar: Short article within an article that are sometimes placed within a box inside the main article, much like a graphical element.

Signature: Several folios, one inside the other, make up a signature.

Standing element: Page element that appears on every page of a publication in the same position and format. Also known as master page element or repeating element.

Standing head: Page element that appears on the top of every page of a publication in the same position and format.

Subhead: Phrase or short title that appears within the body of an article between paragraphs to break it into smaller sections.

Table of Contents (TOC): List of articles and their page numbers.

Template: A master guide, often with standing elements in place, to help design pages within a publication.

Title page: Title of publication and name of author (and illustrator). Sometimes includes publisher name and address, copyright information, ISBN, Library of Congress number, date of publication, etc.

Verso: Left-hand page with even number.

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